Today started with Randal Stauffer catching a 44.5 inch red drum off the point. Another 47.5 inch drum was also reported this morning around high tide. Throughout the day blues were caught in good numbers up and down the beach with a few puppy drum scattered in. SHARKNADO 2018 was the story tonight on the point. Some 5+ footers were landed with many anglers respooling after the bigger ones headed south. Offshore fishing is red hot with mahi fishing HOT HOT HOT. Inshore, trout were caught on Gulp Penny Shrimp curly tail jigs.
The hottest news is that Michelle Lester is the happiest woman on Hatteras Island. Bryan Lester FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! caught a fish. Hopefully the whining will slow down a little. He said it was 7.5 feet but we all know how Bryan streeeeetches the truth. Bryan’s daddy Fred also caught a nice one. Matt Saunders also reports landing a nice 63 inch black tip with another one straightening the hook. There was also a gymnastics display on the point tonight with twinkle toes Bob Eakes and the human manatee Bryan Lester involved in a beautiful tango that ended with Bryan falling in the sand causing a small (3.5 on the rector scale) scale earth quake here in Buxton. I’m told that the New York City Ballet company is on it’s way down to offer twinkle toe Eakes the lead in their next production.
For those fishing in this weekend our bait guys came through again today with absolutely beautiful finger mullet and a little bigger 1+ pound mullet. Come on down and fish with us. The water is clearing up and I predict an epic weekend of fish catching or lie telling…….
Signing off from earth quake ravaged Buxton I am, Keith “DeeDee fixed me steak tonight and I am full” Whitener