Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

Monday fishing report by Dan

With nice weather for the day, speckled trout fishing in the sound with popping corks was the main event for the day.  Else where, a 37 inch cobia was landed by Stephanie, (Travis’s wife) on a 10 foot Green Spanish rod with a Ghost with red stripe Glass Minnow...

Saturday fishing report by Dan

Windy day and clean water should had Spanish and bluefish everyway, but no reports came in this evening.  Some sea mullets, flounder, croakers, and bluefish were report today.  The sound side area is still having lots of  speckled trout being caught....

Friday fishing report by Dan

As the winds picks up today the fishing slowed down.  Today bluefish and sharks were the main event for the ocean side.  In the sound the speckled trout with flounder and puppy drums were reported biting on lures.  NPS reports some of the southside of the point being...

Thursday Fishing Report 07/25/19 PM

I love the weather but the wind could be a little less. Ramp 55 had some keeper Flounder and Blue fish. Avon had Croakers and Sea Mullet. Speckle trout still good on the sound side. Avon Pier had some Spanish. Have a Great Day Fishing. Dede