Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

Fishing Report For 01/26/2019

What a beautiful January day on the Outer Banks, just what the doctor ordered to lift the spirits and help chase away the winter blahs.  Higher than normal temperatures, a bit of sunshine, and lower than normal winds beckoned a few fishermen to get out and try their...

Fridays Fishing Report 01/25/2019

Fishing Report 01/25/2019: Well, after a few weeks of very slow fishing, things started to heat up a little today. The Point seemed to be the place today with reports coming in for Black Drum some topping out near 30 Lbs. as well as Puppy Drum. Ramps 48 and 49...


Good afternoon everyone.  Well, the weather took a slight turn for the better today with the wind dropping out a little and some sunshine.  In addition to the Dog Sharks and Skates that they have been catching we actually had a report of some flounder at the...

01/12/19 Fishing Report

Well as most of you probably guessed the fishing has been a little slow.  For those who wanted to go out and see their rod bend a little, we have had reports of fairly good size Dog Sharks and Skates from almost everyone venturing out.  Mix in a few Puppy Drum for...

Fishing report for 08 Jan 19 by Dan

With Spring like weather, SW winds at  15 knots, temps mid sixties, and sunny, many people are out on the beach today.  So far, no reports has came in today.  I know that some fishermen hit the jetties this morning before the rain and did not get a bite.  Also...