Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

10/30/21 Saturday evening.

Just wanted to let everyone know we just got 300 pounds of cobb mullet . And they were swimming an hour ago.  We also have some very fresh bigger mullet . I  haven’t heard of many fish being caught lately hoping fresh bait will change that so if ya need some...

10/28/21 Thursday

slow fishing today but there were 3 drum caught at the point, A sea mullet was caught at 49 and there were reports of drum caught at 34 and around the north beaches. -Grant

Sunday 10/24/2021

Today was a little slow, but we weighed a 7lb and a 5lb speckled trout. Also two sea mullet around 1 1/2lbs, and a few blue fish were caught at ramp 55. As always check back tomorrow for more info. -Grant

10/20/21 Wednesday.

The Point had Blues, Puppy Drum, Spanish and False Albacore. In the sound near Avon Speckled Trout. Sheepshead were caught in the Sound last night. Small Black Drum and Pompano at Ramp 55.