by RDT Front Desk | Feb 28, 2021 | Fishing Reports
Today i have heard about bluefish skates and dog sharks all at the point. I was told the water really looks good also.
by RDT Front Desk | Feb 27, 2021 | Fishing Reports
What a great day here in Buxton. Sunshine and some warm air. Had a report of some small sharks at the point. Hopefully this warm weather keeps coming and the fishing picks up. Have a great night…….RDT
by RDT Front Desk | Feb 24, 2021 | Fishing Reports
Heard about puppy drum being caught at ramp 55 yesterday and today. I saw a photo of a 7 pound bass caught yesterday. Just wanted to remind everyone we have those Penn Squalls combo’d with a Penn Battalion 12′ rod for $199. Individually the Penn Squall and...
by RDT Front Desk | Feb 24, 2021 | Fishing Reports
Well folks I just got my first report of fish being caught in about a week or so. I was told there was a nice puppy drum bite at 55 yesterday. the fella that told me this was buying shrimp for bait so there ya go its an absolutely beautiful day out there and like I...
by RDT Front Desk | Feb 23, 2021 | Fishing Reports
It sure is a beautiful day today folks I would think there should be a bass or two biting in the ponds here on the island. A good bright sunny day warms up a small shallow body of water like a pond pretty quick and the bass bite can be just crazy good when the water...