02/18/18 Sunday
The temperatures dropped quite a bit today which seemed to slow the bite down a little, but the Drum were still biting. We had decent reports from South Side of the Point, Frisco, and the Inlet.
02/17/18 Saturday
The Drum seemed to be scattered out a little more today with reports of Slot Size Reds and a few Black Drum coming in from the Narrows and the Southside of the Point to Ramp 55. Several fish were also reported in the inlet and even on the Sound Side. With the winds shifting around…
02/16/2018 Fishing Report
Well, the day seemed to start out a little slow today, but afternoon reports keep coming in for Black and Slot Size Red Drum being caught from Hatteras Inlet to Frisco. A few Drum were caught at the Point as were Skates and Sharks. All in all a good day of fishing and a beautiful…
Thursday afternoon fishing report 02/15/18
Reports of a few puppy drum at Ramp 44 and Ramp 55. The weather is supposed to be nice again tomorrow, so grab your gear and get fishing! Have a great evening and tight lines! Bryan
Wednesday afternoon fishing report 02/14/18
There weren’t that many reports coming in today but I did hear about a few puppy drum being caught down at the inlet today. Hope everyone has a great evening and tight lines Bryan
02/13/18 Fishing Report
Wind, rain, and cooler temperatures seem to have slowed the bite down a bit over the last couple of days, but it is probably due more to a lack of people fishing than the availability of fish to be caught. Overslot Drum were reported in Frisco early this afternoon. Winds are expected to shift to…
Sunday afternoon fishing report 02/11/18
Its been sunny and warm here today and we have been getting reports of puppy drum being caught on the south side of the point! Have a great evening and tight lines! Bryan
Wednesday 02/07/18 Fishing Report
Sorry about the delay in getting yesterdays fishing report out. We just received the reports this morning. Several Black Drum were landed in Frisco as well as a few Puppy Drum, while the point yielded some nice Keeper and Upper Slot Red Drum.
Tuesday afternoon fishing report 02/06/18
The water temp has gotten cold again but there has been reports of puppy drum being caught at Ramp 55 and South to the inlet. Have a great afternoon and tight lines Bryan
Fishing report 02/05/18
There were a few reports of puppy drum being caught at Ramp 55 South to the inlet