by RDT Front Desk | Feb 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Morning folks Bob and I are busy here at the shop this morning preparing for things to come this spring . We have had a couple people in today and one fella told us he had a good drum bite down at 55 yesterday. Looking at todays water shot looks like the warmest water...
by RDT Front Desk | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
WE JUST GOT SOME MORE CTS RODS IN!!!!!!! We have new 13 foot two piece rods which are a 50/50 split. We can easily ship these rods!!! Call and order one today. Thanks RED DRUM TACKLE……252-995-5414
by RDT Front Desk | Dec 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Reports of puppy drum at the point along with sharks. North part of ramp 44, puffers, puppies and mullet. Ramp 34, mullet. Do not forget we still have a great sale going on………. RDT’s Christmas Special Sale- Hoping for snow but who knows!!!!!!...
by RDT Front Desk | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Had a good morning trout fishing caught 5 trout and one really nice puppy all on a jig and trout rod , What got them was Zman minnowz electric chicken and Zman swimmin trick root beer and chartreuse tail.. good lock . Mike
by RDT Front Desk | Dec 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Red Drum Tackle Shop’s own Kara V., Denise, Travis and Mike were out at Ramp 38 today and had a successful day. Between the four of them they caught seven different species of fish…blow fish, flounder, a sand bar shark, blue fish, croaker, speckled trout,...