Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

Wednesday April 10th 2019

Not a whole lot to report today. There were Sea Mullet and Blowtoads on the Point. Sea Mullet down on the south beaches and Ramp 55.  Sharks and Skates also made a showing at the Point. Bluefish seem to be scattered about, most were hit on cut bait today. Blowtoads...

Tuesday April 9th, 2019

It was a windy and rainy day. The weather got better as the day went on. Did not get a lot of reports today. I had reports of a couple Big Drum caught. Sea mullets and a few blowtoads were caught at the Point. Bluefish seemed to be scattered about. Sharks are also...

Monday April 8th, 2019

Anglers have been putting in work today. Sharks are everywhere around the Point but those with persistence got a few Big Drum. Reports of about 8-10 fish last I heard. This morning from the Point bluefish of varying sizes were caught on metal. They were in good...

Saturday April 6th 2019

It was a good day on our little sandbar. Blowtoads were biting everywhere. From Ramp 43 to Ramp 55. I had one report of a Big Drum early this morning off the point. Some bluefish were caught around the south side of the point. Puppy drum were caught off Ramp 48 and...

Thursday April 4th, 2019

Its been a good day here on Hatteras Island. Fishing is picking up as this weather gets better. I have reports of puppy drum down ramp 55. Sea Mullet were caught off the point, Ramp 48, Ramp 49 and Ramp 55. Blowtoads were caught all over the south beaches from the...