by RDT Front Desk | Nov 16, 2021 | Fishing Reports
not a whole lot from today a few puppy drum off the point and some sea mullet were caught off 48/49 but in other news the shop has received a big order from fishin mate, we currently have 8 rod and 10 rod racks back in stock!
by RDT Front Desk | Nov 12, 2021 | Fishing Reports
today was a good day lots of puppy drum and some yearlings and a good amount of citations were caught today at the point. also ramp 48 had some blues and some puppy drum as well and lots of sea mullet at ramp 49.
by RDT Front Desk | Nov 6, 2021 | Fishing Reports
tough fishing today but there were a few drum caught at the point this morning and some sea mullet were caught at ramp 49, aslo caught wind of some big drum being caught around ramp 27, as always check back in tomorrow.
by RDT Front Desk | Nov 5, 2021 | Fishing Reports
From the tournament today we’ve heard of some puppy drum a few citations and some blues were caught today. We weighed a 1lb 12oz sea mullet and we heard that they had caught some puppy drum and blues over at Ocracoke.
by RDT Front Desk | Nov 1, 2021 | Fishing Reports
Citation red drum and a few puppy drum at the Point. Black drum caught off Ramp 43. Blue fish and flounder off Ramp 55. Big red drum caught at the Avon pier. Denise