Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414


We just got some reports of dog fish at the point last night. Also some puppy drum at ramp 43. Seems like more people are fishing this morning so we might have some more reports tonight. Have a great day…….RDT


Well the wind died off today here in Buxton. Hopefully the water clears up a bit tonight and we have a better day of fishing tomorrow. Had a report of some black drum being caught at the jetties later in the afternoon today. Have a great...


Sorry everyone, not to much of a report today. Had rain and wind down here most of the day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Have a great night……RDT


Heard about a couple specks and pups caught jigging down around ramp 48 today. Does not seem to be many people fishing? Hopefully things will pick up for the weekend. Have a great night…..RDT