by RDT Front Desk | May 23, 2020 | Fishing Reports
The sun came out beautifully today! At the point, the drum are back in action, some mullet and sharks were caught as well. Sound side we heard of puppy drum and speckled trout! Hoping for another beautiful day tomorrow with lots of wonderful fish stories to be...
by RDT Front Desk | May 22, 2020 | Fishing Reports
I would love to see the sun. Hopefully tomorrow it will start clearing off in the afternoon. Fishing was a little slow today. I heard of one Puppy Drum and 2 Blue fish and a few Sharks. I haven’t heard from anyone this evening from the Point. Yesterday there was...
by RDT Front Desk | May 18, 2020 | Fishing Reports
There were a few red drum caught at the Point and blue fish. How does a seahorse quickly get from one place to another? He scallops! Denise
by RDT Front Desk | May 17, 2020 | Fishing Reports
At the Point, anglers caught blue fish and drum. Also, at the Point, a couple of cobias were caught. There was a good sea mullet bite near the Avon pier. What do you call a fish that destroys Japan? Codzilla. Denise
by RDT Front Desk | May 17, 2020 | Fishing Reports
Nice fish caught today. There was a good red drum bite at the Point this morning. Also caught at the north side of the Point and off Ramp 43 were big pompano and large sea mullet. I weighed in a citation sea mullet at 2 lb. 14 oz. Why do fresh water fish cry so...