Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

Sunday fishing report by Dan

With surf hitting the dunes at high tide, most of the fishing was during the low tide period.  Some sea mullet and bluefish were reported today.  Small pompano was also reported.  Keith is running for higher ground and I may be gone soon. Dan

Saturday fishing report by Dan

Well I just saw Keith  heading straight to the house, so that means DeeDee out fish him again at the point area and he was to crying all the way back to the house.  Still waiting on someone to give me a report on the action.  Some pompano and sea mullet were reported...

Fishing Report Friday September 7th

Today ended with a bang with False Albacore being caught in numbers at the point along with Spanish and King Mackerel.  Emma Delmonte hooked several monsters including a “huge” king mackerel.  Macullah Lester caught several big Spanish mackerel and...

Thursday Fishing Report September 6th

Catching fish was the name of the game again today.  Travis Morris brought in a nice 4 pound Spanish mackerel caught on his 10 foot saltiga ballistic Spanish slayer.  Tomorrow is his birthday and his sweet mother bought him the rod for his birthday.  John Charron was...