Hours: 6am - 10pm 252-995-5414

Monday Evening Fishing Report 07/09/18

Since we have Tropical Storm Chris off of our coast right now, fishing has not been the best.  But we did get a few reports of people catching bluefish at Avon Pier early this morning, Bluefish down in Hatteras Village and we had a guy come in this evening with a...

Sunday fishing report by Dan

Windy and big waves made fishing almost impossible today.  Some fishing was done in the sound, but no reports were received.  There should have been puppies down behind the Coast Guard station last night and this evening, but still no reports. Dan

Saturday fishing report by Dan

Well the weather has change and the winds are cooling the area down. Croakers and some mullets were reported along with some bluefish down at the inlet.  While the winds are blowing from the north east, most of the action will be on the south beach tomorrow.  At least...

Friday fishing report by Dan

Sea mullet and pompano are still biting during day.  Spanish and bluefish were reported today down at the inlet area.  Big sharks and rays are still biting rigs off as people wanted to pull on something.  Tomorrow the winds are coming back to Hatteras, so maybe the...

Thursday Fishing Report 07/05/18 PM

Another hot but pretty day. This evening a couple of Blue Fish on ramp 44. Ramp 43 had Sea Mullet, a couple of keeper Puppy Drum and Pompano. Ramp 48 and 49 had some Sea Mullet. Avon had Sea Mullet and Pompano. I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. Have a Great...